2. Remission
  3. Remission Tips & Guidelines

What are the dos and don'ts of remission?

All patients are given specific remission instructions in their discharge papers at their remission appointment.

All patients are given specific remission instructions in their discharge papers at their remission appointment. Please see a list of general instructions and tips below:

Remission is not a cure and requires continued maintenance treatment. Patients must continue to eat maintenance amounts of the prior allergens as indicated in their discharge instructions, to maintain sustained unresponsiveness.

First 6 months/ Major illnesses
The first 6 months of remission is a critical adjustment period for the immune system. Along with keeping up with maintenance dosing, patients should contact providers via TIP Help if they experience any of the following events:
-Diagnosis of new medical conditions
-Prolonged illness
-Braces/ Oral Procedures
-Major Surgeries

These events or anything that may compromise the immune system for prolonged periods can put patients at risk for reaction, especially during the first 6 months of remission. Our trained providers can help you safely navigate any major illnesses or surgeries to minimize potential reactions.

Remission Visit 1 Changes:
Continue compliance with all maintenance foods. Non-compliance with maintenance foods can put your child at risk of a reaction. Please be compliant as instructed.
If you are on SLIT, please continue until your Annual Remission Tests to confirm when your child can discontinue SLIT.
You may now condense your scenario medications to only carrying Benadryl and Epi-pen and stocking Scenario 3 at home.

If you are not going to dose through any extra foods after your final challenge, you may start to wean off your daily antihistamine and Flonase 3 months after the 'stage down' is complete.
Antihistamine: start to give half the current dosage every day for 2 weeks, then half the dosage every other day for 2 weeks.
Flonase: start to give Flonase every other day for 2 weeks, then you can stop.

School Forms:
You may fill out school forms as “History of Food Anaphylaxis to *. Completed treatment and not currently avoiding.”

TIP Fees
- QUARTERLY TIP FEES STOP!! Pay for annual visits, labs, and fees. Quarterly TIP fees will resume if there is non-compliance with maintenance foods and your child has to return to the clinic for additional food challenges until your child reaches a state of remission once more.

Stage Down
Please dose TWICE A WEEK for 12 WEEKS. During this period, treat 'staged down' food as a treatment food and observe a 1 hour rest period afterward.
- When doing the stage down dose, keep it on a separate day from your weekly maintenance
- These foods are not capped.