2. Comorbidities & Pre-existing Conditions

How does TIP treat food allergy patients with EOE?

While our program doesn't treat Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EOE), we effectively manage patients with it.

Though our program does not treat EOE, we successfully treat patients with EOE. We will only dose through foods that your child has allergies to which may not be the triggers of EOE. If the food we are treating is also a trigger for EOE, then your child will be on medications that will help control EOE symptoms.

EOE is something we are able to account for and monitor while in the program but not necessarily something that will improve due to the program. We have patients who have EOE and move slower and more cautiously with their treatment plans. Below are some commonly asked questions regarding EOE that we started to speak about over the phone:

When does a patient need to have a scope done, before onboarding or launch?

If a patient has a history of EOE we like to have results back with time to review them prior to the launch appointment. If a patient gets results and shows that he/she has EOE that is uncontrolled we really need that under control before we start introducing foods and challenging foods.

Is a scope required to start the program?

There are certain patients it will be highly recommended for and others that it will be required for based on their history, the medications they are on, and any current symptoms they have. That will be discussed during your initial appointment your clinical provider.

How long are the results good for? We like to have scope results within the last year as long as there are no acute changes.

How often does a scope need to be done while in treatment?

We defer to a family GI doctor on this. It is based on the medications a child is on, symptoms they are having, and if we are introducing any potential triggers through our food treatment. Some patients already know their triggers, and their triggers are not their anaphylactic foods, so they just avoid those throughout treatment and they do not have to do frequent scopes.