What is Remission in TIP?

TIP Remission is a state of immune unresponsiveness with once-weekly protein exposures.

Remission is the final phase of TIP treatment. While TIP is not a cure for food allergies, it aims to create a state of remission. Remission is defined as the reduction or disappearance of the signs and symptoms of a disease process, such as food anaphylaxis.

Our TIP Remission goal is sustained unresponsiveness which means being able to eat a large amount of the allergic food infrequently (typically once-weekly protein exposures) and not have an allergic reaction. This means patients can eat a large amount of their allergic food infrequently and not have an allergic reaction.

At this stage, your child will essentially eat like a non-allergic person. Patients no longer need to worry about reading labels, and there are no food restrictions.