What about Tolerance labs?

Prior to the Tolerance Visits, a complete set of repeat labs should be obtained. Labs are beneficial in planning for your upcoming Remission visit.

Prior to the Tolerance Visits, a complete set of repeat labs should be obtained. Labs are beneficial in planning for your upcoming Remission visit.

As every plan is unique, your child may complete labs just before TV1 or between TV1 and TV2. Labs help determine if Interim Visits are needed or if you want to address any food allergies not listed in the Food Dosing Strategy (FDS).

Please inform your provider if you’d like to add any foods to the blood work prior to the bloodwork appointment with our diagnostic lab. Special labs can only be added to the lab orders.

Remember that these visits play a crucial role in achieving sustained unresponsiveness (remission) and improving quality of life for individuals with food allergies.