What happens during Tolerance Visit 1 (TV1)?

During Tolerance Visit 1 your child will challenge larger amounts of their most anaphylactic foods.

During Tolerance Visit 1 (TV 1) your child will challenge larger amounts of their most anaphylactic foods. For example, individuals allergic to peanuts may reasonably expect to challenge approximately 8 to 10 grams of peanut protein.

There will be a 4-month period between TV1 and TV2.

During this time, the immune system is gradually trained toward less frequent allergen exposure.
The final allergen will be taken 6 out of 7 days, rather than every day.

On the “Exploration” day, your child consumes a variable amount of protein allergen to stress the immune system. This exposure can range from cross-contamination to the capped amount. The goal is to induce tolerance.

For example, after the Tolerance Visit for peanuts, you get one day off per week to explore other peanut-containing products like peanut butter, Snickers, Reese’s peanut butter cups, or Bamba.