What is a typical food challenge appointment like?

Discover what happens during a typical food challenge appointment, from preparation to testing tolerance, and the steps taken after a successful challenge

Walk through a typical food challenge with FAI Nurse Practitioner, Katarina. 

Vitals & Compliance Questions

At a typical food challenge appointment, the day will start off with the nurse or medical assistant taking the patient’s height, weight, and vitals. A provider will review compliance questions with both the patients and the parents to ensure that the patient is taking their daily medications, recommended foods, maintenance foods, and treatment foods correctly. Which is then followed by a baseline physical exam.

The Challenge

Leading up to a Challenge appointment, the patient is consuming a specific dose of that food allergen on a daily basis to condition their immune system in preparation for their food challenge. Once they get to their appointment, they’ll consume that food allergen, which can be two to three times the amount that they were dosing at home.

After consuming the food, they will exercise for five minutes to stress their immune system to test their tolerance to that food allergen. Once the five minutes are complete, the medical assistant or nurse will take their heart rate and blood pressure again, and the provider will complete another physical exam to make sure that the patient is not having a reaction to that food.

Successfully Passing A Challenge

A challenge is considered successful or passed if the patient consumes the food, exercises for five minutes, and does not have a reaction. The food allergen will then be added to their daily maintenance. At this visit, the patient will then introduce their new treatment conditioning food. The provider will complete a final physical exam, then review discharge instructions that includes the patient’s new treatment plan in preparation for their next food challenge.