2. Your Custom Treatment Plan

What is a snapshot? How do I read my snapshot?

Using AI and machine learning, we analyze over a trillion data points to group or endotype your child's case and determine the severity and relationship of allergic proteins that affect your child.

Using AI and machine learning, we analyze over a trillion data points to group or endotype your child's case and determine the severity and relationship of allergic proteins that affect your child. The snapshot is an individualized summary of this analysis and is the foundation for your treatment plan.

The snapshot categorizes allergen sensitivity by Anaphylactic, Sensitized, and Tolerant. The goal of TIP treatment is to move all foods to the Tolerant column. See an example of a snapshot below. 

Snapshot 2b


If your child eats a very small amount of food in the anaphylactic column, they have a 95% chance of suffering an anaphylactic grade 2 reaction. An anaphylactic reaction involves two body systems (i.e., hives and difficulty breathing, hives and vomiting, etc.).


Foods in the sensitized column will produce allergic pathways and proteins in your child’s blood if they eat a large amount of that food. Patients can likely consume foods on the right side of the sensitized column with no clinical reaction. However, foods on the left side of the column are more likely to cause a grade 1 reaction or a reaction involving one body system (i.e., hives, rash, stomach pain, nausea, etc.). 


If food falls into the tolerant column, it means that large, infrequent ingestion of that food will not elicit an allergic reaction from your child’s immune system. The goal of treatment is to move all foods to this column.

Why are some foods in both columns?

Columns are represented as a percentage. Based on your child's analysis, some foods may not fall into one group. For example, if “seeds” is 20% sensitized, the bar will be 20% in the sensitized column and 80% in the tolerance column.